Sunday, November 16, 2008

Scrabble fetish?

I really like playing Scrabble online. Always hated the board game, but for some reason the online version is very appealing to me. However, I have learned that not everyone plays Scrabble innocently. Some online players like to play an alternate version that includes coming up with dirty words while having "erotic chat." I always knew that if you can imagine a fetish it's probably out there, but Scrabble? I think we can all understand how one thing could lead to another with Twister, but I never thought Scrabble could also lead to nakedness.


Jess said...

Now that's something I've never heard of before. There's really something for everyone isn't there?

Sara said...

Ahhh! Somehow this does not surprise me. Remember -- don't look into fetishes too far, you don't know what you'll find and you might not want to know! Ha!