Thursday, November 20, 2008


I was listening to a local radio show about books when this came up:

Person A: What do you think of Wally Lamb's new book?
Person B: It's amazing. He's one of our best local authors in Connecticut.
Person A: The book is set during the time of Columbine and seems so authentic.
Person B: Here's a story about Wally Lamb that a lot of people don't know. When his first book started to get a lot of attention he got a call at school from Oprah. He picked up the phone and said, "Oprah, I can't talk to you. There's been a calamity." And he hung up on her. What had happened was a driver reaching for his beer* ran over two students and killed them. And Wally Lamb, as the school's director, felt he needed to be there for the family and help take care of the situation. Just a noble, noble man.
Person A: Yes, a noble man.

Dude, come on. That's not noble. That would be the decent thing to do.

I've really got to stop listening to local talk radio.

*In Connecticut it's completely legal to have an open can of liquor in your car.

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