Wednesday, November 19, 2008

In a book and on the radio

I heard two food related things today that I thought were interesting:

1) A friend suggested the book In Defense of Food. I read a passage today that really stuck with me:

"Nutrition science has usually put more of its energies into the idea that the problems it studies are the result of too much of a bad thing instead of too little of a good thing...The epidemiologist John Powles has suggested this predilection is little more than a Puritan bias: Bad things happen to people who eat bad things."

It does seem like a historically negative take on diet and nutrition.

2) NPR noted that people tend to eat in front of the TV but people tend not to eat while listening to the radio. They went on to suggest that radio might just be good for your health.

Funny, but there is probably some truth to it.

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